// define Field makeContainer(); prototype
function _Field_makeContainer(bindTo){
lstContainers = (arguments.length == 0) ? this.name : this.name + "," + arguments[0];
this.container = true;
this.defaultValue = this.getValue();
this.lastValue = this.defaultValue;
this.dummyContainer = false;
this.boundContainers = _listToArray(lstContainers.toLowerCase());
var thisKey = this.qForm._name + "_" + this.name.toLowerCase();
// copy objects from the select box into the container object
qFormAPI.containers[thisKey] = new Object();
for( var i=0; i < this.obj.options.length; i++ ){
qFormAPI.containers[thisKey][this.obj.options[i].value] = this.obj.options[i].text;
Field.prototype.makeContainer = _Field_makeContainer;
// define Field resetLast(); prototype
function _Field_resetLast(){
this.setValue(this.lastValue, null, false);
return true;
Field.prototype.resetLast = _Field_resetLast;
// define Field toUpperCase(); prototype
function _Field_toUpperCase(){
this.setValue(this.getValue().toUpperCase(), null, false);
return true;
Field.prototype.toUpperCase = _Field_toUpperCase;
// define Field toLowerCase(); prototype
function _Field_toLowerCase(){
this.setValue(this.getValue().toLowerCase(), null, false);
return true;
Field.prototype.toLowerCase = _Field_toLowerCase;
// define Field ltrim(); prototype
function _Field_ltrim(){
this.setValue(_ltrim(this.getValue()), null, false);
return true;
Field.prototype.ltrim = _Field_ltrim;
// define Field rtrim(); prototype
function _Field_rtrim(){
this.setValue(_rtrim(this.getValue()), null, false);
return true;
Field.prototype.rtrim = _Field_rtrim;
// define Field trim(); prototype
function _Field_trim(){
this.setValue(_trim(this.getValue()), null, false);
return true;
Field.prototype.trim = _Field_trim;
// define Field compare(); prototype
function _Field_compare(field){
if( this.getValue() == this.qForm[field].getValue() ){
return true;
} else {
return false;
return true;
Field.prototype.compare = _Field_compare;
// define Field mirrorTo(); prototype
function _Field_mirrorTo(objName){
// test to see if the object is qForm object
isQForm = ( objName.indexOf(".") > -1 ) ? !eval("!objName.substring(0,objName.indexOf('.'))") : false;
// if it's a qForm object, then set the value of the field to the current field when updated
if( isQForm ){
var strCommand = objName + ".setValue(" + this.pointer + ".getValue()" + ", null, false);";
// otherwise, set the local variable
} else {
var strCommand = objName + " = " + this.pointer + ".getValue();";
// add an onblur event so that when the field is updated, the requested field
// is updated with the value
this.addEvent(_getEventType(this.type), strCommand, false);
Field.prototype.mirrorTo = _Field_mirrorTo;
// define Field createDependencyTo(); prototype
function _Field_createDependencyTo(field, condition){
var condition = (arguments.length > 1) ? "\"" + arguments[1] + "\"" : null;
var otherField = this.qForm._pointer + "['" + field + "']";
if( !eval(otherField) ) return alert("The " + field + " field does not exist. The dependency \nto " + this.name + " can not be created.");
// add an onblur event so that when the field is updated, the requested field
// is updated with the value
if( this.qForm[field]._queue.dependencies.length == 0 ) this.qForm[field].addEvent(_getEventType(this.qForm[field].type), otherField + ".enforceDependency();", false);
this.qForm[field]._queue.dependencies[this.qForm[field]._queue.dependencies.length] = otherField + ".isDependent('" + this.name + "', " + condition + ");";
return true;
Field.prototype.createDependencyTo = _Field_createDependencyTo;
// *this is an internal method that should only be used by the API*
// define Field isDependent(); prototype
function _Field_isDependent(field, condition){
var condition = _param(arguments[1], null);
this.value = this.getValue();
// if the current field is empty or not equal to the specified value, then the
// dependent field is not required, otherwise the dependency is enforced
if( condition == null ){
var result = (this.isNotEmpty() || this.required);
} else {
// if there's a space in the condition, assume you're to evaluate the string
if( condition.indexOf("this.") > -1 || condition == "true" || condition == "false" ){
var result = eval(condition);
// otherwise, you're doing a simple value compare
} else {
var result = (this.value == condition);
// return both the field and the result
var o = null;
o = new Object();
o.field = field;
o.result = result;
return o;
Field.prototype.isDependent = _Field_isDependent;
// *this is an internal method that should only be used by the API*
// define Field enforceDependency(); prototype
function _Field_enforceDependency(e){
var lstExcludeFields = _param(arguments[0], ",");
var lstFieldsChecked = ",";
var lstFieldsRequired = ",";
// loop through all the dependency and run each one
for( var i=0; i < this._queue.dependencies.length; i++ ){
var s = eval(this._queue.dependencies[i]);
// keep a unique list of field checked
if( lstFieldsChecked.indexOf("," + s.field + ",") == -1 ) lstFieldsChecked += s.field + ",";
// keep a unique list of fields that now should be required
if( s.result && lstFieldsRequired.indexOf("," + s.field + ",") == -1 ) lstFieldsRequired += s.field + ",";
// create an array of the field checked
aryFieldsChecked = lstFieldsChecked.split(",");
// loop through the array skipping the first and last elements
for( var j=1; j < aryFieldsChecked.length-1; j++ ){
// determine if the field is required
var result = (lstFieldsRequired.indexOf("," + aryFieldsChecked[j] + ",") > -1);
// update it's status
this.qForm[aryFieldsChecked[j]].required = result;
// now go check the dependencies for the field whose required status was changed
// if the dependency rules for the field have already been run, then don't run
// them again
if( lstExcludeFields.indexOf("," + aryFieldsChecked[j] + ",") == -1 ) setTimeout(this.qForm._pointer + "." + aryFieldsChecked[j] + ".enforceDependency('" + lstExcludeFields + this.name + ",')", 1);
Field.prototype.enforceDependency = _Field_enforceDependency;
// define Field location(); prototype
function _Field_location(target, key){
var target = _param(arguments[0], "self");
var key = _param(arguments[1]);
// if the current field is disabled or locked, then kill the method
if( this.isLocked() || this.isDisabled() ) return this.setValue(key, null, false);
var value = this.getValue();
this.setValue(key, null, false);
// if the value isn't equal to the key, then don't relocate the user
if( value != key ) eval(target + ".location = value");
return true;
Field.prototype.location = _Field_location;
// define Field format(); prototype
function _Field_format(mask, type){
var type = _param(arguments[1], "numeric").toLowerCase();
this.validate = true;
this.validateFormat(mask, type);
Field.prototype.format = _Field_format;
// define Field populate(); prototype
function _Field_populate(struct, reset, sort, prefix){
// if the current field is disabled or locked, then kill the method
if( this.isLocked() || this.isDisabled() ) return false;
var reset = _param(arguments[1], true, "boolean");
var sort = _param(arguments[2], false, "boolean");
var prefix = _param(arguments[3], null, "object");
if( this.type.substring(0,6) != "select" ) return alert("This method is only available to select boxes.");
// clear the select box
if( reset ) this.obj.length = 0;
// if prefixing options
if( !!prefix ) for( key in prefix ) this.obj.options[this.obj.length] = new Option(prefix[key], key);
// populate the select box
for( key in struct ) this.obj.options[this.obj.length] = new Option(struct[key], key);
// if the user wishes to sort the options in the select box
if( sort ) _sortOptions(this.obj);
return true;
Field.prototype.populate = _Field_populate;
// define Field transferTo(); prototype
function _Field_transferTo(field, sort, type, selectItems, reset){
// if the current field is disabled or locked, then kill the method
if( this.isLocked() || this.isDisabled() ) return false;
var sort = _param(arguments[1], true, "boolean");
var type = _param(arguments[2], "selected");
var selectItems = _param(arguments[3], true, "boolean");
var reset = _param(arguments[4], false, "boolean");
_transferOptions(this.obj, this.qForm[field].obj, sort, type, selectItems, reset);
return true;
Field.prototype.transferTo = _Field_transferTo;
// define Field transferFrom(); prototype
function _Field_transferFrom(field, sort, type, selectItems, reset){
// if the current field is disabled or locked, then kill the method
if( this.isLocked() || this.isDisabled() ) return false;
var sort = _param(arguments[1], true, "boolean");
var type = _param(arguments[2], "selected");
var selectItems = _param(arguments[3], true, "boolean");
var reset = _param(arguments[4], false, "boolean");
_transferOptions(this.qForm[field].obj, this.obj, sort, type, selectItems, reset);
return true;
Field.prototype.transferFrom = _Field_transferFrom;
// define Field moveUp(); prototype
function _Field_moveUp(){
// if the current field is disabled or locked, then kill the method
if( this.isLocked() || this.isDisabled() || this.type.substring(0,6) != "select" ) return false;
var oOptions = this.obj.options;
// rearrange
for( var i=1; i < oOptions.length; i++ ){
// swap options
if( oOptions[i].selected ){
_swapOptions(oOptions[i], oOptions[i-1]);
return true;
Field.prototype.moveUp = _Field_moveUp;
// define Field moveDown(); prototype
function _Field_moveDown(){
// if the current field is disabled or locked, then kill the method
if( this.isLocked() || this.isDisabled() || this.type.substring(0,6) != "select" ) return false;
var oOptions = this.obj.options;
// rearrange
for( var i=oOptions.length-2; i > -1; i-- ){
// swap options
if( oOptions[i].selected ){
_swapOptions(oOptions[i+1], oOptions[i]);
return true;
Field.prototype.moveDown = _Field_moveDown;